Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 12, 2012

We usually try to go contacting during the day. We haven't gone knocking on people's doors because it honestly isn't that effective. But when it gets snowy outside that's going to be the only thing we can do. So for now we just try talking to people in the streets and see who stops to talk to us. We are usually back at the apartment around 8:30 or 9 pm. We usually take the bus to go from place to place, but sometimes we walk. We get to church with the bus because there is a bus stop just around the corner of the church. We have a branch. There isn't enough people to have a whole ward. There is usually about 20 or so people who come to church. I have only taught like 3 real lessons to investigators since I have been here. It's quite hard to get investigators. We usually have pretty good success with the english classes that we teach. We have english classes every tuesday and saturday. This past saturday though I wasn't there because we (Me, Elder Knapp, Elder Eaton and Elder Myler) went with the Branch President outside the city to go take the sacrament to an older sister who cannot come to church much anymore because she is poor and lives far away.  People live in really poor places outside the bigger cities. 
Oh and you can only send mail to the address in Bucharest. I'm sure there is an address for the place that I am living at here in Constanta, but what they want us to do is to send all the mail to one place and then when we have either meetings or exchanges then we get mail. So just send all packages and handwritten letters to the address in Bucharest!! And we either take a maxi taxi (like a small bus), an actual sized bus, or we take a train to get to Bucharest.

Elder Barney & Elder Knapp

Yeah Elder Knapp is an awesome guy!! I'm really sooo blessed to have him as my companion! We have a pretty good balance between working hard and having fun at the same time. It's really awesome being his companion. Especially here in Constanta. Constanta is an awesome place. The Branch here is really strong (even though we are small) and I just love being here! And yes it is getting pretty cold, and yes I did get me one of those russian fur hats. I would send some pictures but again I am at this computer at this video game place and it won't let me upload pictures. I'll send them later! :)

So the first picture is a picture of the McDonald's!!! McDonald's is a pretty nice restaurant here! Like you are one of the cool kids if you work at McDonald's! The other picture is a picture of our dryer!! Yup they don't have dryers here in Romania! Actually my teacher in the MTC said that they do, but nobody buys them because it costs too much. So this is what we get to use! 
Pictures of Josh!  One with his new Russian hat!!  Handsome Missionary!!

p.p.s-Is someone still updating my Facebook? If so say like "I love Romania" or something like that :) 

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